
Project Name

Camart Camera Rental

UI/UX Development, Responsiveness, Digital Marketing, Graphic Design


Cameart started functioning in 2017 with an aim to provide Camera rental services to all those living across UK. They supply digital cinema, film and broadcast equipment and include Compact HD lenses, Specialists Tripods, Monitors, Camera accessories, Grip Gear, Remotes, Audio lightning and pods. They work on competitive rates in comparison to other companies providing the same services. They also have an amazing customer support services and help those who come to them for the first time. They also have experts who help clients decide which equipments will be best for them and with helping them to chose the equipment, they also help them to troubleshoot technical issues. They have all their products displayed on the website along with the rates and anyone who is coming online can access through the same ad select the kind of equipment they wish to rent out and place their order online.


The problem in-front of the agency was to build a platform which is definitely attractive on the frontend but has an amazing backend which can be controlled by a master admin panel. The clients are able to come and search for the right equipment and can select the same and can order the equipments to their desired location by paying online. The website has a number of products and each product needs to be listed under respective category. Search keywords needs to be precise so that the users do not have any issue searching and ordering their desired equipment. Each user must have their respective login ids and there must be multiple channels. Also, there should be multiple payment options so that it is easy for users to pay without any hassle. Each user has information about their account and can track their equipments. Also, they should be getting messages for booking, tracking and returning the equipments. There should be chat box for customer support.


The entire team including the designer, developer and the digital marketer sat together to identify prospective solutions for the problem in hand. We came out with few solutions which can be implemented. We chose the PHP platform for the E-Commerce backend as it can support large amount of database and is extendible. We chose a white background for the website frontend so that products can be easily be seen, we gave options for multiple images for a single product and a zooming option as well. The entire website was managed through a single admin panel but we also provided an executive admin panel so that it can be easily accessed by someone who is just keeping track on orders. We included a cart option and multiple login options as well as multiple payment options. We also gave chat box so that customer support can be handled through that.


The result came out to be amazingly good, the website’s fronted was white and the products can be easily seen. There were different categories and multiple categories ca be easily accessed, have filters to reach the desired products needed to be rented by the users. The admin panel was equipped with handling inventor, orders, invoicing and reports. The executive panel was only used to track and manage orders. There were multiple login and payment options. The team did an exceptionally good job with the website and the client was also very happy with results. It was not just a one person but a team effort and the result were very good. The content was also accurately placed with keywords so as to make the website SEO friendly. The chat box was equipped to handle various customers at one point and can also be accessed by multiple customer support executive. Kudos to the team!

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